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Sprachauswahlвыбор языка
Fig. 079
Wall mounted control panel, front view, with aluminium fascia, with process diagram printed using under eloxal process
Fig. 080
Wall mounted control panel,
opened, machine panel,
with Profibus connector
Fig. 035
Aluminium control panel, FM, opened,
pivoting front cover, screwed construction,
with standard EIB wiring
Fig. 016
Mosaic control panel,
with ES-STM 8x2/.. fault indicator,
with EIB I/O module, with cover door
Fig. 045
Stainless steel control panel, front view,
for in wall installation
Figg. 045a
V2A stainless steel control panel, FM, opened,
with plastic housing, Schlegel instrumentation,
wiring with EIB
Fig. 032
Aluminium layout panel, FM,
with plastic flush mounting housing for tiled walls,
with standard EIB
Fig. 030
Rittal cabinet with mosaic flush-fitting control panel, opened, wired to standard EIB,
with ES-STM + ES-REM04 fault indication modules Special feature: "dead man mode", with ES-RAM02 reaction detector
Fig. 023
Mosaic control console, front view, with engraved floor plan
Fig. 023a
Mosaic control console, opened,
for recessed mounting, with EIB, for lighting + fault indication
Fig. 092
Floor plan panel, under eloxal printing
Fig. 093
Layout panel, opened,
with instrumentation for bell control,
including level shifter and coupling relay,
with EIB connector and EIB touch panel
Fig. 105
Mosaic surface mount control panel, front,
in aluminium surface mount housing,
with foreign fittings, with button guard
Fig. 106
MMosaic surface mount housing, interior,
with WAGO Ethernet bus terminals,
with Schlegel instrumentation